audit of financial statements [9 entries]
- audit of financial statements G 経 財務諸表監査 G 経 経
- Auditing Standards Committee Statements No.35 "The Auditor's Responsibility to Consider Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements G 経 監査基準委員会報告書第35号「財務諸表の監査における不正への対応」 G 経 証
- Auditor’s Consideration of Internal Audit Function in Audit of Financial Statements G 経 財務諸表監査における内部監査機能に関する監査人の検討 G 経 経
- A company whose organizational structure consists of a “Board of Directors + Audit & Supervisory Board + Accounting Auditor” and which prepares consolidated financial statements G 経 機関設計が「取締役会+監査役会+会計監査人」であり連結計算書類を作成する会社 G 経 証
- A company whose organizational structure consists of a “Board of Directors + Audit and Supervisory Committee + Accounting Auditor” and which prepares consolidated financial statements G 経 機関設計が「取締役会+監査等委員会+会計監査人」であり連結計算書類を作成する会社 G 経 証
- A company whose organizational structure consists of a “Board of Directors + Audit Committee + Accounting Auditor” and which prepares consolidated financial statements G 経 機関設計が「取締役会+監査委員会+会計監査人」であり連結計算書類を作成する会社 G 経 証
- Matters to be reported G 経 The Business Report, Non-consolidated Financial Statements, Consolidated Financial Statements for the Company’s ○th Fiscal Year (MM DD, YYYY to MM DD, YYYY) and results of audits by the Accounting Auditor and the Audit & Supervisory Board of the Consolidated Financial Statements: 第○期(○年○月○日から○年○月○日まで)事業報告、計算書類、連結計算書類並びに会計監査人及び監査役会の連結計算書類監査結果報告の件 G 経 証
- to perform a independent audit of the financial statements G 経 独自にその財務諸表を監査する G 経 経
- to plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement G 経 連結財務書類に重大な虚偽記載がないかどうかにつき、合理的な確証を得る為の監査を計画・実施する G 経 経