assessment of performance [2 entries]
- assessment of performance G 経 職能考課 G 経 経
- In addition to the above, had assessment of the Company’s business performance reflected in personnel affairs from an independent subjective viewpoint by serving as the committee chair of the nomination advisory committee, which deliberates personnel affairs of the Company’s management executives, and attending all meetings of the committee during the fiscal year (X meetings), and otherwise worked to supervise the Company’s management team. G 経 また、上記のほか、当社の経営陣幹部の人事などを審議する指名諮問委員会の委員長を務め、当事業年度開催の委員会の全て(X回)に出席することなどにより、独立した客観的立場から会社の業績等の評価を人事に反映させるなど、経営陣の監督に務めております。 G 経 証