 x  Q 🎲  ?  Economics & Financial
amount paid [7 entries]
  1. amount paid    支払高
  2. amount paid in the form of a premium    地代の形で支払った金額
  3. amount paid out as dividends on common stock during the year    当該年度中に普通株式に対して支払われた配当金の額
  4. amount paid per new stock    新株1株当たり払込価額
  5. amount paid to subcontractor    外注加工費
  6. amount paid to subcontractors    外注加工費
  7. recognition as a fixed asset of an amount paid in the form of a premium as consideration for a leasehold interest    借地権の対価として地代の形で支払った金額を固定資産として認識すること