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amount of liabilities [4 entries]
  1. amount of liabilities    負債金額
  2. reserve ratios on increased amount of liabilities on non-resident free yen accounts    非居住者自由円勘定にかかる債務の増加額についての準備率
  3. Collection service revenues are normally less than lost profit, and the amount of the shortfall is recorded as a collection service liability in non-current liabilities “others.”    回収サービス業務収益は、通常得べかりし収益を下回るため、下回る部分の金額は、回収サービス業務負債として固定負債「その他」に計上しております。
  4. To make allowances for the payment of retirement benefits to employees, this is recorded based on the amount of projected retirement benefit liabilities and pension assets as of the end of the fiscal year under review.    従業員の退職給付に備えるため、当事業年度末における退職給付債務及び年金資産の見込額に基づき計上しております。