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amount of issue [6 entries]
  1. amount of issue    発行額
  2. a seasoned new issue refers to the offering of an additional amount of an already existing security    公開済み証券の発行とは既存の証券の追加発行である
  3. amount of debt outstanding for each issue    銘柄ごとの債券発行残高
  4. consideration given by the lessee or its related party to an independent third party for the issue of a guarantee to the lessor in respect of the residual amount    残りの額に関し貸手に保証するために、借り手あるいはその関係者が独立の第三者に対し与えた対価
  5. outstanding balance of issue amount    発行残高
  6. to issue bonds in the face amount of $XX    額面XXドルの社債を発行する