 x  Q 🎲  ?  環境訳語辞典
environmental conservation
English Abb. 学名 日本語 略称
1 environmental conservation 環境保全
2 activity of environmental conservation 環境保全行動
3 Commendations for Contributions in Environmental Conservation 環境保全功労者等表彰
4 community-based environmental conservation efforts 地域発の環境保全活動
5 comprehensive environmental conservation efforts 総合環境保全活動
6 Comprehensive Promotion of Research, Monitoring and Technology Development for Global Environmental Conservation 地球環境保全に関する調査研究、観測・監視及び技術開発の総合的推進について
7 conference on environmental conservation and pollution prevention 環境保全・公害防止研究発表会
8 Current Environmental Issues and Environmental Conservation Measures by the Government 環境問題の現状及び政府が環境の保全に関して講じた施策
9 enforce environmental conservation measures 環境保全対策を実施する
10 environmental conservation activities implemented in developing areas by Japanese NGOs 国内の民間団体が行う開発途上地域の環境保全活動
11 environmental conservation activities implemented in developing areas by non-Japanese NGOs 海外の民間団体が行う開発途上地域の環境保全活動
12 environmental conservation activities implemented in Japan by Japanese NGOs 国内の民間団体が行う国内環境保全活動
13 environmental conservation activity 環境保全活動
14 environmental conservation activity by private sector 民間環境保全活動
15 environmental conservation efforts 環境保全の取組
16 environmental conservation expenditure 環境保全経費
17 environmental conservation impact 環境保全効果
18 environmental conservation in Japan 国内環境保全
19 environmental conservation in livestock operation 畜産経営環境保全
20 Environmental Conservation Initiative for Sustainable Development EcoISD 持続可能な開発のための環境保全イニシアティブ EcoISD
21 environmental conservation measure for ports 港湾環境保全対策
22 environmental conservation measures by local governments 地方公共団体の環境保全対策
23 Environmental Conservation Measures Relating to Public Works 各種公共事業に係る環境保全対策について
24 Environmental Conservation Measures to be Implemented 講じようとする環境の保全に関する施策
25 Environmental Conservation Measures to be Implemented in FY 2005 平成17年度環境の保全に関する施策
26 environmental conservation ordinance 環境保全条例
27 environmental conservation policy 環境保全施策
28 Environmental Conservation Programs for Riparian Areas 水辺環境再生事業
29 environmental conservation project 環境保全事業
30 Environmental Conservation Projects utilizing Community Fund コミュニティ・ファンドを活用した環境保全活動促進事業
31 environmental conservation research conference 環境保全研究発表会
32 environmental conservation research result 環境保全研究成果
33 Environmental Management and Conservation Act No. 12 of 2002 2002年法律第12号:環境管理保全法
34 Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Conservation of Biological Diversity and Resources, Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing) Regulations, 2006 2006年環境管理・調整(生物の多様性及び資源の保全、遺伝資源へのアクセス並びに利益配分)に関する規則
35 Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan, an independent administrative institution ERCA (独)環境再生保全機構
36 expense for environmental conservation works 環境保全関係事業費
37 Experiment and Research Fund for Global Environmental Conservation 地球環境保全試験研究費
38 fundamental ordinance for environmental conservation and creation 環境の保全及び創造に関する基本条例
39 general expenses related to global environmental conservation 地球環境保全関係一般経費
40 global environmental conservation 地球環境保全
41 global environmental conservation activities 地球環境保全活動
42 global environmental conservation budget 地球環境保全関係予算
43 high-efficiency environmental restoration/conservation system 高効率環境修復・保全システム
44 interim initiative for global environmental conservation 地球環境保全に関する当面の取り組み
45 Law concerning the Enhancement of Willingness for Environmental Conservation and Promotion of Environmental Education 環境の保全のための意欲の増進及び環境教育の推進に関する法律
46 local environmental conservation policy 地方環境保全政策
47 Measures for Stimulating Environmental Conservation Activities (interim report) 環境保全活動の活性化方策について(中間答申)
48 National Association Promotion of Environmental Conservation (社)全国環境保全推進連合会
49 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation DEC ニューヨーク州環境保全局
50 number of officers in the environmental conservation and pollution sections by population size 人口規模別に見る環境保全及び公害部門職員数
51 number of officers in the environmental conservation and pollution sections in prefectures and municipalities 都道府県及び市区町村の環境保全及び公害部門職員数
52 Ocean Environmental Conservation Class 海洋環境保全講習会
53 Ocean Environmental Conservation Promoter System 海洋環境保全推進員制度
54 officers listed under the environmental conservation and pollution sections 環境保全及び公害部門に従事する職員
55 Policies for Global Environmental Conservation 地球環境保全に関する施策について
56 protection forest for environmental conservation 環境保全保安林
57 pursuit of environmental conservation and development 環境と開発の両立
58 regional environmental conservation administration 地方環境保全行政
59 rule-based environmental conservation activity ルール化された環境保全行動
60 Seto Inland Sea Environmental Conservation Council 瀬戸内海環境保全審議会
61 Seto Inland Sea Environmental Conservation Month 瀬戸内海環境保全月間
62 special environmental conservation-related research 環境保全に係る特別研究
63 state of enactment of environmental conservation-related ordinances (of municipalities) 環境保全関連条例制定状況(市町村の)
64 Study on Environmental Conservation Plan of Hanoi City ハノイ市環境保全計画調査
65 Study on the Environmental Restoration/Conservation Project of Patos and Mirim Lakes パトス・ミリン湖沼地域環境回復保全計画調査
66 Subject-specific Advanced Training Courses on International Environmental Cooperation (Environmental Policy and Planning)/(Conservation of the Natural Environment)/(Environmental Analysis and Monitoring) 国際環境協力上級(専攻別)研修(環境政策・計画)/(自然環境保全)/(環境分析・モニタリング)
67 Survey of Environmental Conservation Measures 環境保全対策調査
68 The Association for the Environmental Conservation of the Seto Inland Sea (社)瀬戸内海環境保全協会
69 voluntary action plan of the construction industry for environmental conservation 建設業界の環境保全自主行動計画
70 water environmental conservation measure 水域環境保全対策