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いきさつ (translations)→ business case circumstance happen history how prehistory reason story

こと (translations)→ a.k.a. action agenda anything as circle contemplation course episodes event fact hit idea insight it matter matters moment news occasion occupation occurrence part pass problem process question scale score sense shit solution something stuff target task that thing time truth what word worth

ひきおこす (translations)→ generate lift perform

もたらす (translations)→ buy create draw effectuate engender inspire produce provide put send yield

もちだす (translations)→ bring describe get initiate invoke mention offer quote raise return say take use

よぶ (translations)→ call have invite summon whip

起こす (translations)→ arousal begin cock hold make right start straighten wake

起こる (translations)→ come cook develop do go occur result rise rouse

議論 (translations)→ argue argument debate debater discuss discussion fray

原因 (translations)→ because blame explanation factor impell knell outcome source why

言い分 (translations)→ complain perception

口実 (translations)→ cover-story excuse fantasy justification means pretext subterfuge way

事情 (translations)→ breed deliberation detail development direction everything information necessity reality recital situation statement

(translations)→ example line possibility seed species theme ticket topic

招く (translations)→ can entertain hire incur instigate introduce leave mean tempt

食らう (translations)→ pay

信念 (translations)→ belief conviction credo faith firmness persuasion rabid

投げかける (translations)→ aim cast fling focus project shower

伴う (translations)→ entail

目的 (translations)→ custom effect effort end goal motive promise purpose

要因 (translations)→ driver parameter

理想 (translations)→ ideal theory value

理由 (translations)→ answer basis benefit ground point ratio

立てる (translations)→ advance claw cross dig earn emit form honour

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