 x  Q 🎲  ?  Environmental
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1 Subsection
2 agreement 約款
3 Agreement 本約款
4 all disputes arising in connection with the rights and duties based on the Agreement or a special agreement 本約款及び特約に基づく権利及び義務について紛争が生じたときは
5 articles of incorporation 定款・寄附行為
6 articles of incorporation 定款
7 articles of incorporation and equivalent bylaw 定款と寄付行為
8 concessional 円借款
9 contract 約款
10 development loan through banking system DBLS 開発金融借款
11 direct loan 直接借款
12 loan agreement 借款契約
13 loans from the World Bank 世銀借款
14 mixed loan 混合借款
15 ODA loan at the most concessional condition 最も有効な条件のODA借款
16 programme loan プログラム借款
17 project loan プロジェクト借款
18 signing date of loan contract 借款契約調印日
19 terms and conditions of loan 借款条件
20 yen based loan under favorable conditions 最優遇条件による円借款
21 yen loan 円借款
22 yen loan project 円借款事業